Would you still love your son if he were gay?

+1 vote
asked Jul 26, 2017 in Other- Health by Cora3 (250 points)
Would you still love your son if he was gay?

If your son came up to you and told you he was gay what would be your reaction? Would you still love your son even though he was gay?
commented Oct 25, 2019 by LForward1 (420 points)
Well, my son is gay. Of course, like any other parent, I was shocked when I first found out about that. But there's nothing you can do about that, you either accept it and keep a good relationship with your child or not accept it and break the relationship between you two. After a few days of thinking about that, I chose the first option. It was hard to see him with another guy in my house and it breaks my heart even now when they're in two in his room but I see no other way than accepting that. I see him all day on Adam4Adam, scrolling through pictures of different guys and in the evening bringing them to our house, but again, I have to accept that. He's my only son and his mother left us when he was 5 y.o. I'm sure you'll do the same if you'll be in my shoes.

Adam4Adam: https://datingappsadvice.com/adam4adam-dating-app-review-gay-dating-chat-a4a.app

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Yes I'd love my son no matter one. Or even a daughter. Nothing can make me stop loving them. Even if they did some serious crime, I'd hate that they did the crime but I'd still love them.

Being gay is certainly not something you should stop loving your kid over.

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