Which are the best headphones out there at a reasonable price?

+2 votes
asked May 14, 2019 in Running by poliq (6,220 points)
Which are the best headphones out there at a reasonable price?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 14, 2019 by costy (6,550 points)
Not sure what 'cheap' means to you!

A price range would be very helpful, since headphones range from $1-$12,000 and beyond. To the $100 set, $50 is cheap, while to the $12,000 set, $2000 is cheap!

Really cheap? I like and enjoy my Panasonic RP-HT21 headphones which cost around $7. They sound better than anything under $25. No, don't expect great HiFi, but they are amazing for what they are.
0 votes
answered May 25, 2019 by fraddy (6,050 points)
I like Treblab XR800. These headphones for the money exceed my expectations. They sound good, are comfortable, and I really appreciate that my ears can not even feel them in. If you are looking for some reasonable mixture of price and quality, you will be glad to purchase them

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