Is it true that sniffing rosemary increases memory?

+1 vote
asked Apr 22, 2019 in Mental Health by BounCodder (330 points)
Is it true that sniffing rosemary increases memory?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2019 by layla (60,790 points)
I've personally noticed an increase in my brain function and memory when sniffing rosemary essential oil occasionally.

Rosemary Essential oil helps your brain function by stimulating your brain cells so your memory improves by a lot.

Studies have also shown that sniffing or inhaling Rosemary Essential oil helps improve memory function by at least 75%.

And I've personally experienced a increase in my brain power and memory function whereas before I would have some lapses in memory but now that I inhale and sniff rosemary every few days my brain function and memory has improved significantly.

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