What are the health benefits of eating cucumbers?

+1 vote
asked Apr 22, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by klagasko (330 points)
What are the health benefits of eating cucumbers?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 22, 2019 by Jodie (35,100 points)
Cucumbers are a very healthy fruit and can benefit your health in a lot of ways.

Yes although referred to sometimes as a vegetable the cucumber is actually a fruit.

The benefits of eating cucumbers are promoting bone health, detoxing your body, keeping your heart healthy, lowers your blood sugar, helps keep you hydrated, helps keep you regular and helps with constipation.

Cucumbers are high in Vitamins including Vitamin K and help reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Weight loss is another great benefit of cucumbers so the cucumber can keep you feeling full, help with your health and aid in weight loss.

You should also see a boost in energy when eating cucumbers because of the nutrients and vitamins contained in cucumbers and that goes for other vegetables and cucumbers as well.

Eating a good portion of cucumbers and other fruits and vegetables can keep you energized and feeling much better.

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