How old does my website have to be before applying for adsense?

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asked Aug 27, 2016 in Google by Ravi (180 points)
I have a blog that's a week old now and I've been writing content for it. And I'm wanting to apply for adsense to at least cover the hosting cost.

Should I apply now or is there a website age requirement for websites to approved for adsense?

2 Answers

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answered Aug 28, 2016 by Judy (56,120 points)
I know for India publishers websites have to be 6 months old or older.

For USA publishers you can get your website approved with a 1 day old website.

But it's better to wait anyway to get your website going and start writing content and then over that time get traffic going to it.

Traffic isn't required for getting approved, but without website traffic nobody will click on your ads and you won't make money anyway.

It's better to get traffic to the website and then apply and use adsense.

No point in having an approved adsense account if you aren't making money.

And to make that money you need traffic and you needs lots of traffic such as 4,000 daily visitors to make any money with adsense.
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2016 by Harkgetw (200 points)
Adsense is very hard to get into now a days. If you're not getting traffic of at least 3,000 daily visitors then I would just forget about using adsense until then.

Otherwise you'll never see much earnings and it could take you a few years to reach the payout and you risk getting your account closed for invalid activity or inactivity.

Adsense closed down accounts that were not making any money. Of course you can re apply later. But I would just focus on getting your website content up and work on your traffic.

Adsense also requires impressions on the ad code for second step approval.

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