Are quail eggs better than chicken eggs?

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by dorissmact (210 points)
Are quail eggs better than chicken eggs?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 24, 2019 by sharajones (970 points)
Your tastes may differ but yes in my opinion I find that Quail Eggs are better tasting than Chicken Eggs.

Quail Eggs are a bit more expensive than Chicken Eggs but I like the Quail Eggs better than Chicken Eggs and wish I could afford them more often.

Still chicken eggs are still pretty good when I cannot get Quail Eggs.

I buy fresh Quail Eggs from a local farm here and pay $5.00 per dozen which is worth it because of the freshness of the eggs and the work the farm people need to do to get the eggs ready to sell.

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