My brother won't stop turning on lights?

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asked Aug 19, 2016 in Toddler/Preschooler by Phillip3 (290 points)

My brother is almost three, and before you say anything, my family is always around him/supervising him and he's actually quite intelligent. 

But he's just obsessed with lights, and always needs to turn them on. We turn them off after he does it, but he just turns them back on and sometimes throws a fit. 

We normally put him in timeout and tell him no but he won't stop. We've been trying to get him to stop for like 3 months. Any recommendations on how to get him to stop?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 21, 2016 by landlord1 (220 points)
He's trying to get a reaction from you and he's getting what he wants.

When he does turn the lights back on. Just turn them off and don't say or do anything to him.

Just walk up turn the lights off and then walk away without saying anything to him.

Personally I wouldn't worry about it that much. Turning the lights on is nothing compared to some more dangerous things he could be doing.

This will pass and you'll look back in years and laugh about it.

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