Why do we feel tired after we sleep for a really long time instead of waking up refreshed?

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asked Jul 1, 2017 in Other- Health by Bob254 (220 points)
Why do we feel tired after we sleep for a really long time instead of waking up refreshed?

It seems like we would feel a lot better in the day after we sleep so long but I find it to be the opposite. I find if I sleep in on the weekends I don't feel as good as I did when I sleep my normal 8 hours a night that I usually do on the weekdays.

Why are we more tired when oversleeping?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 1, 2017 by Judy (56,120 points)

It has to do with our internal body clock.

Normally, our sleep-wake cycle follows a regular pattern, also known as the Circadian Rhythm and when we sleep "too much" there  is a shift in that pattern, the rhythm is interrupted.

Circadian rhythms are the patterns of repeated activity associated with the environmental cycles of day and night. They repeat roughly every 24 hours.

Once our body clocks start "telling the wrong time," we feel it in lethargy, fatigue, and a sleep cycle gone haywire. The clock says one thing and your body says another, very similar to jet lag.

Synchronizing these two clocks (internal and external) come with hitting the "re-set" button every 24 hours.

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