How does one maintain their productivity when they have to work in front of a computer for 12 hours?

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Internet by Dorion (260 points)
How does one maintain their productivity when they have to work in front of a computer for 12 hours?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2017 by jjg (960 points)

Keep your workspace clean and orderly.

Achieving efficiency at work can sometimes be as simple as clearing the clutter from your work area. A disorderly work area is a work area that can hinder your productivity. If you're constantly struggling to find specific tools or documents in a mountain of clutter, serious work time is being wasted. Only keep items that you use daily out and about - everything else should be squirreled away where it's out of the way but also quickly retrievable.

Keep a consolidated schedule. 

If you've been flying by the seat of your pants so far, making any sort of effort to plan out your day will probably increase your working efficiency. To keep a truly effective schedule though, limit yourself to one comprehensive planner (optionally supplemented with one calendar in your office or cubicle for long-term objectives.) Don't needlessly complicate your work by keeping more than one schedule or by scrawling out a huge collection of notes that you'll inevitably lose. You want to be able to look inone specific place to see what you need to do.

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