Need affordable car insurance for a new driver?

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2017 in Insurance/Registration by Sparmo (280 points)
Need affordable car insurance for a new driver?
I'm a new driver and I'm looking for affordable car insurance?

I'm 18 and just got my drivers license and want to get affordable car insurance?

Can you list some companies I can get affordable auto insurance through?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2017 by mouzara (900 points)
Insurance is never really affordable for new drivers. Insurance does tend to go down though overtime as the driver ages and has a good driving record over that time.

Insurance is so expensive for new drivers because they're more at risk for car accidents than older more experience drivers.

A way to have your rates lower though is by taking a test through your insurance agent if they provide such a test.

After passing the test you can get lower rates.

You can also get your insurance added to your parents policy which will help lower the insurance rates.

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