Can babies feel love?

+1 vote
asked Dec 31, 2018 in Baby/Newborn by chrystalrg60 (200 points)
Can babies feel love?

Do babies know that you love them and can feel your love for them?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2018 by AllianzCal (1,440 points)
Yes babies can certainly feel your love for them and can tell when you don't like them.

Babies can also love some people while hating other people just like we can as adults.

When I was a baby my mom said I would cry and and cry and cry if my aunt tried to hold me but if my other aunt held me I didn't cry. lol

I don't remember things when I was an infant however I know that I loved my mom and dad as a baby and I still do today.
0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2018 by francineoe18 (410 points)
Yes all babies can feel your love for them and they know who their mother is as well and they can love you back.

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