How long does it take to earn money and reach payout with Adsense?

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asked Jun 29, 2017 in Google by Jayegreen (690 points)
I've had my Adsense account for 10 months and have been using on my 10 month old website but still I've earned nothing to date from Adsense?

I have 500 daily unique visitors and 1,000 page impressions per day but still not earning anything?

How long did it take for your website to make money with Google Adsense and reach Adsense Payout Threshold of $100.00?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 29, 2017 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
500 daily website visitors seems like a lot but in reality it isn't enough to really earn anything from Adsense.

Some of those website visitors could be bots visiting your website. Once you get past 1,000 daily unique website visitors you can be sure that you do have some genuine people viewing your website and not just bots.

Earning money with Adsense Takes Patience and lots of it. Adsense isn't an overnight money maker or get rich quick scheme.

The people who're making a Full time income with Adsense have been working on their websites for years sometimes even decades.

Although some Advertisers on Adsense pay for impressions most pay for clicks. So you could be getting impressions but no earnings because the ads are not paying per impression but for clicks only.

Give your website time to gain more traffic. Work on promoting your website more right now and in the future you should be getting your payout and then payouts each month.

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