How long does it take to get your tonsils taken out?

+1 vote
asked Nov 26, 2018 in Other- Health by Alinik7 (240 points)
How long does it take to get your tonsils taken out?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2018 by AmyWings (260 points)
It's been awhile since I had my tonsils taken out since when I had my tonsils taken out I was a kid.

Although the procedure only took around 20 minutes or so and was less scary than I thought.

The doctor will put you under using anesthesia so you won't feel or notice anything during the removal of your tonsils.

You'll go into the surgery room and before you know it you'll be out in the recovery room recovering from the tonsillectomy which takes around 7 days however full recovery from the tonsillectomy is around 2 weeks which is how long you should avoid any physical activities and get plenty of rest.
0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2023 by Gaperkins (7,580 points)
A tonsillectomy is very safe and a very common procedure.

A tonsillectomy is the second most common surgery that is performed on children and takes around 1 hour to complete.

Tonsillectomy, like other surgeries, has certain risks: Reactions to anesthetics.

Medication to make you sleep during surgery often causes minor, short-term problems, such as headache, nausea, vomiting or muscle soreness. Serious, long-term problems are rare, though general anesthesia is not without the risk of death.

Having your tonsils removed is associated with discomfort and risks: The wound may hurt and swallowing may be painful after the operation.

About 20 to 50 out of 100 children say they have severe pain afterwards.

Temporary nausea, vomiting, swallowing problems and loss of taste might occur.

When you have tonsils that are hurting and want to help ease and soothe the pain of the tonsils you can eat smooth foods, such as flavored gelatins, ice cream, or applesauce.

Ice cream is usually recommended by doctors to help stop tonsils from hurting and the ice cream is a smooth easy to swallow and digest food that can help ease the pain of the tonsils hurting.

Drinking some warm tea with some honey is another thing you can do to help ease the pain of hurting tonsils.

Sucking on some Halls Cough Drops or other lozenges and taking some cough medicine can also help with the tonsil pain.

If you haven't gotten your tonsils taken out yet then I would recommend seeing the doctor about having your tonsils removed because having your tonsils removed will stop your tonsils form ever hurting again.

Also you should get plenty of rest and get some humidity going in your room with a humidifier or even take a steamy hot shower.

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