Can a collapsed lung heal on its own?

+1 vote
asked Nov 24, 2018 in Other- Health by Hermania (240 points)
Can a collapsed lung heal on its own?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2018 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Whether a collapsed lung will heal on it's own without medical treatment will depend on how bad the collapsed lung is and what caused it.

Most times when the lung isn't collapsed too bad then it can heal on it's own but still you should always seek medical treatment so you know exactly what treatment is needed for the collapsed lung.

If the collapsed lung is more serious then you may need surgery to fix the collapsed lung otherwise the collapsed lung could become fatal.

Sometimes though if the collapsed lung isn't all that serious then a surgeon can use a needle and syringe to remove the air and fixed the collapsed lung.
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2018 by hititsmobby (290 points)
Always get to the emergency room if you think you have a collapsed lung because sometimes collapsed lung can lead to death if the collapsed lung is serious enough.

Never take any chances and always seek medical attention for the collapsed lung so the emergency room personal can assess the situation and determine how serious your collapsed lung is.

Sometimes collapsed lungs heal on their own while other times you may need medical treatment for the collapsed lung to heal.

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