I feel like such a failure in life and want to die?

+1 vote
asked Jun 28, 2017 in Other- Health by Dugluse (300 points)
I feel like such a failure in life and want to die?

Help me. I'm 40 years old and have never had a job in my life.

I keep applying for jobs but no one wants to hire me.

I'm currently still live with my parents and I feel like such a mooch.

If I don't find a job soon and carry my own weight and can help with the bills then I'm gonna just kill myself
and get it over with.

I honestly don't know what I'd do if my parents were to die. I'm scared for my financial future
and don't know what to do?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by Amaranth (740 points)
Sorry to hear you're feeling that way. Please don't kill yourself though. You're only 40 and that's still plenty young enough for things to change in your life.

Never give up on applying for jobs. Someone will eventually hire you, you just have to look more and may even have to relocate to another state or town to find a job.

You can also see if you can get a student loan and go to college to pursue a high paying career. You're never to old to go to college.

Please don't give up. Something has got to change for you. I wish you the best.

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