I sit in my room avoiding everything and everyone?

+1 vote
asked Jun 27, 2017 in Other- Health by Coyeyes (260 points)
I sit in my room avoiding everything and everyone?
I sit in my room all day every day unless I have to go out?
I try to avoid everything and everyone and I'm scared of talking to

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by Amaranth (740 points)
You have what is called social anxiety and you're not alone in this.

I suffer from social anxiety too and it's crippling. I always look out my window to make sure neighbors aren't outside before I go outside and if the neighbors are outside I stay inside and wait for them to leave or go back into their house.

If I have to leave I try to sneak to my car and leave without making eye contact with them.

I'm sure they think I'm some kind of psychopath or something but I don't care.

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