Are there any home remedies to cure insomnia?

+1 vote
asked Jun 24, 2017 in Other- Health by Blackhorse3 (280 points)
I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I sometimes take sleeping pills but they leave me drowsy during the day and I'm never fully rested or feel fully awake.

Are there any good home remedies that I can try to cure my Insomnia?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by Pete Beale (430 points)
Try drinking some warm milk before going to bed. Sometimes people can get to sleep by drinking some warm milk.

It's like a natural sedative.

Avoid caffeine around 3 hours before bed and avoid electronics about an hour before bed.

The light from electronic screens messes with our bodies internal clock.

Try staring at the ceiling for awhile. I find staring at the ceiling puts me to sleep very quickly.

If all else fails you might have to resort to taking a sleeping pill. I hate taking sleeping pills but even sometimes I have to resort to them otherwise I'd be too dang tired and not alert during the day.

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