Is it legal to read your own water meter?

+1 vote
asked Apr 18 in Law Enforcement/Police by realwilkie (1,390 points)
Is it legal to read your own water meter?

I was reading my water meter today out by the curb to see how much water I've used and I've been doing it for a few years now.

Anyway today I was reading my water meter and had the cover off and a city worker stopped by and said that it was illegal for me to open the meter lid and access my water meter?

I asked him what would happen and he said that I could get arrested or get a fine?

Is he just bluffing or is he correct?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18 by Caldecott (25,160 points)
It is legal to read your own water meter or even access your own water meter.

The city cannot legally stop you from accessing your water meter even though the water meter is owned by the city.

You have every right and legal right to access your water meter and open the meter pit cover to read your meter and check for leaks.

I check mine daily just to see how much water I use on a daily basis and to check for any potential leaks.

I once had a toilet not shutting off and it ran my water bill up to $300.00 one month so I always like to check to see if that little dial is spinning to see if there is a potential leak.

It is sometimes against a city or towns ordinance to open your water meter lid but the police cannot do anything about it.

A fine could be possible but it's very unlikely and would be hard to enforce.

If he called the police they wouldn't do anything about it unless you actually turned the water on when it was turned off for non payment or you actually tampered with or bypassed the water meter.

Simply reading the water meter is legal to do.

Many towns and cities even let you know how to read the water meter and access it as my town does.

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