What is a bipolar personality?

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asked Apr 9 in Mental Health by FogHorn1989s (2,380 points)
What is a bipolar personality?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 9 by femealeofinternets (22,720 points)
A bipolar personality is extreme mood swings which include emotional highs such as hypomania or mania and emotional lows such as depression.

Bipolar disorder was formerly called manic depression and is a mental health condition which causes a person to have extreme mood swings which include emotional highs and emotional lows.

When a person with bipolar becomes depressed they may feel hopeless or sad and lose pleasure or interest in most activities.

The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder include.

Feeling incredibly 'high' or euphoric.
Delusions of self-importance.
High levels of creativity, energy and activity.
Getting much less sleep or no sleep.
Poor appetite and weight loss.
And racing thoughts, racing speech, talking over people.

The best drug on the market for bipolar is Lithium which is the best and first mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder.

Lithium mood stabilizer is the oldest mood stabilizer and is very effective at treating bipolar and mania.

If someone with bipolar takes Wellbutrin it can cause side effects such as hypomania or mania episodes.

A bipolar rage is unpredictable, intense and uncontrolled and the anger with bipolar rage seems to begin without any triggers like frustration or threat.

Someone in the middle of a bipolar rage will usually scream at and even verbally abuse others just because they are around and sometimes the person in the bipolar rage episode will have no memory of doing so.

A bipolar meltdown is when a person who has bipolar is having a manic episode or is being in a depressed state of mind.

The manic episodes and depression can cause the bipolar person to lose control of their emotions and have trouble managing them.

Warning signs and symptoms of a bipolar meltdown are suicidal thoughts, feeling flat, isolating behaviors, trouble concentrating, restlessness, increasing irritability and sleep disturbances.

The bipolar meds that cause the most weight gain are Lamictal, lamotrigine, Equetro and Tegretol.

The best mood stabilizer for bipolar is Lithium.

The most successful bipolar treatment is Lithium which is a mood stabilizer that is widely prescribed for people with bipolar disorder.

Lithium mood stabilizer is the most effective at reducing and treating the severity of manic episodes of bipolar and is sometimes used along with other medications.

The bipolar medication that doesn't cause weight gain which are Ziprasidone, Vraylar, Latuda and Aripiprazole.

The safest drug for bipolar is Topamax and Neurontin.

Topamax and Neurontin are less problematic in regards to management of bipolar than medications such as lithium and Depakote.

Medications that can make bipolar worse are antidepressants such as Zoloft and Luvox.

Anti anxiety medicines such as Buspar and other medicines such as Carbatrol, Epitol, Tegretol and Equeto can also make Bipolar worse.

Bipolar does sometimes affect your metabolism and can involve abnormalities in metabolism and a wide range of chemical reactions that sustain your brain and body.

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is highly prevalent (16.7%–67%) among people with bipolar disorder in many countries.

Bipolar disorder and MetS have common risk factors, including endocrine disturbances, sympathetic nervous system dysregulation, and behavior patterns such as physical inactivity and overeating.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration.

These shifts can make it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks.
The signs and symptoms of Bipolar disorder include.

Feeling incredibly 'high' or euphoric.
Delusions of self-importance.
High levels of creativity, energy and activity.
Getting much less sleep or no sleep.
Poor appetite and weight loss.
Racing thoughts, racing speech, talking over people.
Highly irritable, impatient or aggressive.

People with bipolar disorder experience both episodes of severe depression and episodes of mania – overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, and reduced inhibitions.

The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal.

No two people have exactly the same experience.

Bipolar I disorder is characterized by episodes of extreme shifts in mood from mania to depression.

A number of factors can trigger a bipolar mood episode, such as stress, hormonal changes, and drug and alcohol use.

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