What age can babies eat meat?

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asked Apr 7 in Baby/Newborn by Missy2993 (1,100 points)
What age can babies eat meat?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 7 by Mendexia (2,100 points)
The age that babies can eat meat is 6 months of age and older although it should be cut up in small non chunky pieces so that the baby won't choke on the meat.

Also make sure the baby is seated and give them small amounts of meat at a time.

Food you should give your baby first when starting solids are baby cereal mixed with formula or breast milk and pureed baby foods.

Then as they get used to the baby foods and baby cereal you can start them on other regular foods such as spaghetti, fruits, vegetables etc.

A baby can eat red meat and most other meat including beef by age 6 months although you should cut the red meat and other meat up so that it is not in large chunks.

A baby can eat spaghetti by 6 months of age and up.

You may need to cut the spaghetti up so that the baby can eat it more easily.

Babies can eat scrambled eggs when they are 6 months of age and on solid foods.

You should start with purees or other soft food and then introduce eggs or scrambled eggs to your baby with other textured foods.

Babies can have yogurt by 6 months of age as long as they are eating a variety of iron rich foods they can eat some yogurt either by itself or with fresh, canned or frozen fruit.

Babies can eat banana pieces by 6 months of age which is when the baby is ready for solid foods.

You can also mash the banana and serve on a spoon or mix it with baby cereal.

\Babies can have cheese by 6 months of age which includes hard cheeses, mild cheddar cheese, cream cheese, sliced cheese, cottage cheese etc.

Foods that a 6 month old baby can eat are cereal, toast, rice, Quinoa, Pears, Meat Puree, Lentil Soup, Carrot Puree, Scrambled Eggs, Starchy foods, Blueberries, Protein foods, chicken, pea puree, tuna, carrots, banana puree, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, Avocado, Vegetables, Oatmeal, Cantaloupe, Oranges and other fruits.

You can start Gerber Puffs by the time your baby is 8 months of age or older.

Starting Gerber Puffs before 8 months of age is not recommended as it can pose a choking hazard.

You can move to Stage 2 baby food by 7 months to 8 months of age once the baby has shown the ability to move food from the front of their mouth to the back.

The best food for a 6 month old baby are baby food, applesauce, purees, cooked vegetables, chicken nuggets, cookies, mangoes, roasted red peppers, baby biscuits, hot dogs, broccoli, steamed broccoli, Puffs, dry cereal, Teething Biscuits, soft fruit and scrambled eggs.

Once your baby is 6 months of age and on solids you should feed the solids to a 6 month old or other baby 2 to 3 times per day.

Foods that babies should avoid are honey, foods high in salt, foods high in saturated fat, foods too high in sugar, whole nuts, popcorn, whole grapes, raw vegetables, raisins, candies, dried fruits, seeds, or any other small, hard foods.

Finger foods that you can give your baby are chicken nuggets, cookies, mangoes, roasted red peppers, baby biscuits, hot dogs, broccoli, steamed broccoli, Puffs, dry cereal, Teething Biscuits, soft fruit and scrambled eggs.

You can also give your baby some bread that you break up in small pieces.

Good foods for babies to eat include.

Puffs and dry cereal.
Teething biscuits and lightly toasted bread.
Scrambled eggs.
Soft fruit.
Cooked vegetables.

Once babies are eating solids around 6 months of age babies can eat chicken nuggets.

Chicken nuggets are a good finger food for babies on solids to eat.

Apples are also good for babies everyday once the baby is on solids you can give the baby sliced and cut up apples or even applesauce.

Babies can eat apples as long as the baby has some teeth and is on solids.

You should however cut the apples into small enough slices for the baby to chew and handle to avoid choking.

Applesauce is also good for babies who are on solids as well.

Babies can eat spaghetti once the are eating solids which is around 6 months of age.

Babies sometimes lose a bit of weight when starting solids but then they should pretty quickly regain the slight weight loss.

If the baby continues to lose weight after starting the solids then you should take the baby to the doctor.

Some babies do gain some weight when starting solids and some may lose a bit of weight when starting solids but they start gaining the weight again.

Babies do gain some weight when starting solids although there may be a lull with weight gain in babies when starting solids.

However after the baby starts solids they should begin to gain more weight faster than they would on milk.

Some babies do gain weight slower than others which is normal.

Babies should be gaining between 1 to 2 lbs of weight per month.

In some babies weight gain does slow down at 3 months of age.

Especially for breastfed babies they tend to slow down in weight gain between 3 to 4 months of age which is normal.

Healthy and properly nourished babies should gain between 1 to 2 lbs of weight per month.

As long as your baby is gaining at least 1 lb of weight per month then they are okay but if the baby is gaining less than 1 lb of weight per month then they could have some health issues and should see a doctor.

Healthy breastfed infants typically put on weight more slowly than formula fed infants in the first year of life.

Formula fed infants typically gain weight more quickly after about 3 months of age.

Slow weight gain could be a problem if your newborn doesn't regain their birth weight within 10 to 14 days after their birth or your baby up to 3 months old gains less than an ounce a day, your infant between 3 and 6 months gains less than 0.67 ounces a day.

Failure to thrive in babies and children is defined as decelerated or arrested physical growth (height and weight measurements fall below the third or fifth percentile, or a downward change in growth across two major growth percentiles) and is associated with abnormal growth and development.

There are three reasons why babies do not gain weight which include not taking in enough calories, not absorbing calories or burning too many calories.

Full-term newborn infants should take in about 1.5 to 2 ounces of breast milk or formula about every 3 hours.

Premature infants need more calories than term babies.

Expect your baby to double his or her birth weight by about age 5 months.

From ages 6 to 12 months, a baby might grow 3/8 inch (about 1 centimeter) a month and gain 3 to 5 ounces (about 85 to 140 grams) a week.

Expect your baby to triple his or her birth weight by about age 1 year.

Poor weight gain is defined as gaining weight at a slower rate than other children who are the same age and sex.

"Normal" ranges for weight are based upon the weight of thousands of children.

“Poor feeding in infants” is a term used to describe an infant with little interest in feeding.

It can also refer to an infant who is not feeding enough to receive the necessary nutrition required for adequate growth.

Poor growth associated with lack of feeding can lead to a separate condition called failure to thrive.

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