How do you know if chest pain is muscular or heart?

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asked Mar 3 in Pain by Kyrtalai9 (3,570 points)
How do you know if chest pain is muscular or heart?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 22 by Daltonthreet (11,170 points)
You can know if chest pain is muscular or heart by the pain.

When chest pain is from heart conditions the chest pain does not change during deep breathing and when the chest pain is muscular the deep breathing can cause sharp and shooting pain if the discomfort starts in the muscle.

The pain of a heart attack hurts even when you are still.

If the pain is muscular, however, your chest will hurt only when you move it.

Anxiety disorder: When a person has an anxiety attack, they may feel chest pain and be short of breath, which may make them think they are having a heart attack.

Junctional rhythm can cause chest pain as well as anxiety in some people although not everyone with junctional rhythm will experience chest pain or anxiety.

Junctional rhythm can have atrial kick although the atrial kick is maintained but it may not be ideally coordinated with ventricular contraction and the persons blood pressure usually remains stable.

Junctional rhythm in a child is a condition in which the electrical impulse in the child's heart starts in the atrio ventricular node instead of the sinoatrial node.

The junctional rhythms can often be normal although they sometimes are too slow or too fast.

The most likely cause of accelerated junctional rhythm is Digoxin toxicity which is the classic cause of AJR Beta agnosists such as isoprenaline adrenaline.

Junctional rhythm does sometimes cause hypotension as the lack of atrial kick in junctional rhythm can cause a decrease in your systemic arterial blood pressure.

The two causes for junctional rhythm are cardiac surgery and hypokalemia.

Other causes for junctional rhythm are sinus node dysfunction and digitalis toxicity.

Junctional Rhythm with Ectopics is an arrhythmia that is present usually in children and infants and originates in the atrioventricular node or AV junction which includes the bundle of His (BH).

A junctional rhythm is bad as the junctional rhythm can make the heartbeat too fast or too slow.

If you do have a junctional rhythm you may or may not have symptoms although the junctional rhythm can make you feel out of breath, weak or feel faint.

Junctional rhythm is an irregular heart rhythm that stems from a natural pacemaker in the heart known as the atrioventricular junction.

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