Can a landlord evict you for being late on rent?

+1 vote
asked Sep 29, 2018 in Real Estate - Renting by Nicollia (320 points)
Can a landlord evict you for being late on rent?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by Rose T (3,650 points)
Yes a landlord can evict you for being late on rent as long as it's stated in the lease that if you're late on rent even once then they may evict you.

If it's not in the lease then they can't evict you right away without taking you to court first.

Always read the lease and rental agreement closely and understand it fully before signing it to avoid any legal trouble.

But yes landlords can evict a tenant for late rent if they want too.

Although if you're gonna be late on rent one time and you've been on time with your other rent payments then speak to your landlord and let them know that you're gonna be late and they may work with you on the late rent payment.

You may have to pay a late rent fee but then again your landlord may work with you and forgive you for the late rent if it's your first late rent payment.

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