What naturally opens up airways?

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asked Feb 13 in Other- Health by TomRogers (2,080 points)
What naturally opens up airways?

1 Answer

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answered 5 days ago by Wenja921 (29,120 points)
Inhaling steam and drinking warm liquids or hot tea naturally opens up airways.

You can open tight airways by inhaling some moist air and my drinking some warm liquids such as hot or warm tea.

Taking a hot steamy shower is a good way to get some moist air in your lungs and airways and open them up.

Using a humidifier in your home or room is also a good way to open your airways and keep your lungs and airways moist.

Spending time in a steam room also helps with opening up tight airways.

Warm and hot drinks can help to loosen up the airways and relieve congestion.

Breathing exercises: Breathing exercises may help with COPD, bronchitis, allergies, and other common causes of wheezing.

Humidifiers: During the dry winter months, wheezing often gets worse.

Some ways to relax constricted airways include.

Relax your neck and shoulder muscles.
Slowly breathe in through your nose for two counts, keeping your mouth closed.
Purse your lips as if you're about to whistle.
Breathe out slowly and gently through your pursed lips to the count of four.

Tight airways are also known as bronchospasms which happen when the muscles that line your bronchi (airways in your lungs) tighten.

When this happens it results in wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms.

Many things can cause bronchospasm, including asthma, and it's usually managed with bronchodilators.

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