Is it illegal to leave your car running in your driveway in Michigan?

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asked Jan 16 in Law Enforcement/Police by mrbear3579 (1,760 points)
Is it illegal to leave your car running in your driveway in Michigan?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 18 by Azlidass (1,790 points)
It is not illegal to leave your car running in your driveway in Michigan although it can be in some other states due to the possibility of car theft.

Some residential areas and local cities and towns in Michigan may prohibit leaving your car running in Michigan but it's not a state law.

It's not illegal to drive with headphones in Michigan as there is no specific Michigan law that prohibits driving with headphones or even earbuds.

However it's still not safe to drive with headphones or earbuds as it distracts the driver as drivers also need to be able to hear any traffic sounds such as emergency sirens, car horns etc.

It is illegal to talk on the phone while driving in Michigan as a new law was put in place on June 30th 2023 that makes it illegal to hold or use a cellphone while driving in Michigan and you can get pulled over and ticketed if you are caught holding or using a cellphone for any reason.

Whether it's for making a call, scrolling social media, looking for directions, sending a text etc you can get pulled over and ticketed as it's a distraction.

It's not illegal to drive with two feet in Michigan or other states.

There's no law in Michigan or other states that states you cannot drive with both of your feet.

In some cases there are times that it makes sense to drive with two feet.

A police officer would also not know if you were driving with two feet either and they wouldn't be able to stop you from doing so.

It is legal to drive in Michigan without a shirt and other states.

There's no law in Michigan and other states that says you cannot drive legally without a shirt.

My brother in Michigan drives without a shirt all the time in the summertime and even sometimes drives around in his boxer shorts as well.

He's been pulled over for other things and has been in his boxer shorts and no shirt and sometimes just shorts and no shirt and he's been just fine.

The cops have never said anything about the way he was dressed.

If you want to drive without a shirt in Michigan or other states you can legally do so without any issue.

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