Can You Go To Jail for not showing up for Jury Duty?

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asked Aug 10, 2016 in Law/Ethics by wave22 (260 points)
I received a Jury Duty Summons 2 days ago in the mail. I really don't care to go to Jury duty.

I really wouldn't know what to do. And I don't want to convict someone that may be innocent.

I wasn't there and don't know the facts.

Do I really have to respond to this summons or will I go to jail myself if I don't respond?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2016 by chad (14,670 points)
No. You won't go to jail for not responding to a jury duty summons.

I received one a few years ago in the mail and nothing has happened and I've interacted with cops like on night when someone started a fight with me and my dad. I showed the cops my Drivers license and I never had a warrant out for my arrest for it.

I even showed up in court over the guy. So if I had a warrant they would've known about it and taken me into jail right then.

They can't prove you got the Jury Duty Letter anyway.
0 votes
answered Aug 11, 2016 by blogger (300 points)
You won't go to jail for not responding. Don't worry.

I've always thrown those summons out too. Been doing it for years now and haven't gotten arrested or jailed yet.

Same with the census poll. Throw those out too.

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