How do you know if your baby is teething?

+1 vote
asked Jul 24, 2018 in Baby/Newborn by Cassoulet5 (290 points)
How do you know if your baby is teething?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)
Babies should begin teething and growing their first teeth by age 4 to 7 months.

And signs that your baby is teething and those teeth are growing in are drooling, grabbing his/her ears, bulging or swollen gums, trouble sleeping, irritability, chewing, sucking and trying to bite everything they can, rubbing their face a lot and rejecting food, refusing to eat and you should also notice a little tooth showing up in the babies gums where there wasn't any tooth before.

Babies who're teething may also run a fever and have diarrhea and the diarrhea can cause diaper rash.

The baby may also get a rash on his/her face from the drool when teething so wipe the drool off the babies face often.

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