What does CoolSculpting feel like?

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asked Oct 11, 2023 in Weight Loss/Dieting by tameebowen33 (1,320 points)
What does CoolSculpting feel like?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 11, 2023 by 12iroanges (26,280 points)
CoolSculpting may feel like a pinching sensation or mild to moderate pain although some people experience no pain during the CoolSculpting procedure.

You may also have feelings of numbness and ice during the CoolSculpting procedure.

After CoolSculpting you will usually stay swollen for several days or a week and it can take 3 weeks for the results of CoolSculpting to become visible.

The reason you get diarrhea after CoolSculpting is because of the additional volume of fat cells being eliminated from your body via your liver and into your bowels.

It is normal to have lumps after CoolSculpting as some hard lumps can form underneath your skin a few weeks after the CoolSculpting procedure although they should go away after some time.

You can get sick after CoolSculpting as some people may experience feeling nauseated, dizziness or faint during the procedure or after the CoolSculpting procedure and may also develop swelling, rash or discoloration after.

Common side effects of CoolSculpting are pain and decreased sensation in the targeted area.

CoolSculpting does last long term and provides permanent results for weight loss and fat removal.

CoolSculpting is permanent as CoolSculpting permanently removes fat cells in the areas that are treated.

As your body eliminates your crystallized fat cells they don't regenerate which results in long lasting and permanent results.

CoolSculpting comes with a myriad of negative side effects that can lead to quite a lengthy recovery time.

People who undergo CoolSculpting report bruising in the area, swelling and redness, pain and stinging, throughout the course of treatment, aching, skin sensitivity, and more.

CoolSculpting is an effective fat reduction method.

However, it does not apply to all and will not address the underlying cause of unwanted fat.

People undergoing the procedure should couple it with lifestyle changes to prolong its results.

CoolSculpting is just one option for removing fat.

An average CoolSculpting session lasts 60 minutes in most cases but some CoolSculpting sessions may only last 35 minutes.

Within 1 to 3 months of doing CoolSculpting sessions you should see some weight loss and after 6 months of Coolsculpting you should see the desired results of losing the weight.

CoolSculpting for weight loss does work although it's expensive as it can cost between $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 per CoolSculpting session.

You may need 3 to 6 CoolSculpting sessions and sometimes more depending on how much weight you want to lose.

And since Coolsculpting is usually done for cosmetic reasons CoolSculpting is usually not covered by health insurance so you'll usually have to pay for the CoolSculpting sessions out of pocket.

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