Does filtered water have chlorine?

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asked Sep 19, 2023 in Other- Health by Keveyonw (1,100 points)
Does filtered water have chlorine?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 7, 2023 by waterstore (300 points)

Filtered water may or may not contain chlorine, depending on the type of water filter used. Many water filters, such as activated carbon filters or reverse osmosis systems, are effective at removing chlorine from tap water, which is commonly used by municipal water treatment facilities for disinfection. These filters help improve the taste and odor of water by reducing or eliminating chlorine and its byproducts. If you're considering investing in a water filter price in Pakistan, it's essential to research and compare various options to find the one that best suits your needs and budget. You can inquire about water filter prices in Pakistan from local suppliers to make an informed choice for cleaner, chlorine-free drinking water at home.

0 votes
answered Jan 2 by whitechicks (3,600 points)
Most filtered water and bottled water does not have any chlorine in it as the chlorine is removed during the filtering and purification process.

Bottled water goes through filtering and other processes that remove chemicals and chlorine from the water before it is bottled.

Some bottled water comes from water wells and other bottled water comes from city water supplies that is filtered before being bottled.

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