Can lamotrigine cause anger issues?

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asked Sep 13, 2023 in Mental Health by zXbeath (1,460 points)
Can lamotrigine cause anger issues?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 17, 2023 by Clanker32 (4,760 points)
Lamotrigine can cause anger issues as anger and feeling aggressive, irritable or agitation, feeling drowsy, tired or sleepy are side effects of lamotrigine.

Lamotrigine takes around 6 weeks to start working fully and to notice a reduction in mood swings and your bipolar disorder issues.

The dose of lamotrigine needs to be slowly increased to prevent side effects.

The long term effects of lamotrigine are osteopenia and osteoporosis which puts you at an increased risk of breaking bones.

Lamotrigine is for bipolar although is also treats depression in people with bipolar disorder and even certain types of seizures.

Lamotrigine helps bipolar and even seizure disorders and also stabilizes the mood as lamotrigine is a mood stabilizer.

The negative effects of lamotrigine include irregular breathing, double vision, dilated neck veins, decreased urine output, unsteadiness or clumsiness, chest pain, discomfort and or tightness, changes in vision and even blurred vision.

The type of bipolar that lamictal also known as lamotrigine treats is bipolar I disorder.

Lamotrigine can affect memory in some cases.

However Lamotrigine does not cause many memory issues or memory related side effects.

In some cases taking lamotrigine may lead to and cause difficulty reading words and in very rare cases lamotrigine could lead to memory loss.

Long-term treatment with lamotrigine can cause osteoporosis and osteopenia, increasing your risk of breaking a bone.

Your doctor can arrange for tests to check your bone strength.

Regular exercise and a good diet can also help keep your bones strong.

Many people can take lamotrigine safely for several months or years.

Lamotrigine is an anti-seizure/anti-epilepsy drug first approved for use in the USA in 1994.

The medicine lamotrigine is considered a first-line treatment for primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures (including simple and complex partial seizures and focal-onset tonic-clonic seizures) and Lennox-Gestault syndrome.

Lamotrigine is a medicine used to treat epilepsy.

It can also help prevent low mood (depression) in adults with bipolar disorder.

Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works.

Lamotrigine slows these electrical signals down to stop seizures.

Lamotrigine is a mood stabilizer medication that works in the brain.

The drug lamotrigine is approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) and certain types of seizure disorders.

Bipolar disorder involves episodes of depression and/or mania.

Commonly reported side effects of lamotrigine include: ataxia, skin rash, headache, insomnia, and nausea.

Other side effects include: infection, dyspepsia, abnormal gait, constipation, and drowsiness.

If you're concerned that taking the medication Lamictal (lamotrigine) may cause you to gain weight, there's good news.

It probably won't affect your weight much at all.

If anything, you're more likely to lose weight because of Lamictal than to gain weight, but either way, the changes will probably be pretty small.

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