Do stitches hurt when healing?

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asked Aug 15, 2023 in Other- Health by syungy (900 points)
Do stitches hurt when healing?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 8, 2023 by LesleeGile (2,800 points)
Stitches do sometimes hurt while they are healing and it's normal to feel some small amount of pain while the stitches are healing but there should not be a lot of pain.

If you have unbearable pain when the stitches are healing it can be a sign of infection.

You can shower with stitches although you should wrap the stitches with some plastic wrap such as saran wrap to keep the stitches from getting wet.

You can remove the bandage after 24 to 48 hours of getting stitches.

If the bandage sticks then you can use some warm water to loosen it but don't scrub or soak the wound and do not use any hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

The reason stitches can't get wet is because when the stitches get wet it creates a breeding ground for bacteria and infections.

The reason you should put Vaseline on stitches is to help the skin heal and keep the wound moist.

The Vaseline and petroleum jelly prevents the wound from drying out and forming a scab as wounds with scabs take longer to heal.

The wound that is stitched up will heal faster when you apply Vaseline on the stitches.

If you don't remove stitches they stitches can lead to skin marks and scarring and the longer you leave the stitches in the harder it can become to take them out.

You can leave stitches or sutures in longer than 10 days although on the face or on the neck or scalp the stitches or sutures should be removed sooner than 10 days.

On the trunk upper extremities or lower extremities sutures or stitches may need to stay in for 14 days to 21 days.

Leaving stitches or sutures in longer than needed can leave skin marks and sometimes it can cause scarring or also make the stitches harder to take out.

The 3 types of sutures are multifilament sutures, monofilament sutures and natural or synthetic sutures.

The difference between sutures and stitches is that the sutures are the treads that are used to close a wound and the stitches is the process of closing the wound.

Suturing is often a medical term that is used to mean stitching.

When you get stitches you're also getting sutures.

You can remove sutures at home by simply cutting the suture at the knot and then gently pull the sutures out.

I've done this myself and it seemed scary at first but I was able to do it myself but if you're not comfortable you can have the doctor remove the sutures which won't take long.

The way sutures are removed are by simply clipping each thread of the sutures near the knot and then the doctor pulls them out.

You may feel a slight tugging sensation when the sutures are pulled out but it should not hurt at all when the sutures are removed.

Sutures will heal within 1 week to 2 weeks and in that time if they are absorbable sutures then they should dissolve or fall out within 1 week to 2 weeks.

Sutures do not hurt as the area as the area will be numbed with a liquid numbing agent so you should not feel any pain during the sutures.

The purpose of a suture is to close up skin after surgery or a wound.

Some cuts and open wounds require sutures to close up the skin and stop bleeding and when you have surgery your skin is cut open and then requires sutures to sew up and close the skin.

A suture in surgery is a type of stitches that are used to sew up and close the skin after surgery or to close a wound.

The suture is like sewing clothing together but instead you're sewing skin together with the sutures.

Some sutures do need to be removed although other types of sutures that dissolve do not need to be removed.

Sutures that are done internally are permanent and are not removed.

You can suture a wound after 12 hours or even 24 hours although it's best to suture the wound within 6 to 8 hours to prevent bleeding and possible infection.

The suture material that is the best is nylon sutures.

If closing the epidermis with a running subcuticular suture then poliglecaprone 25 sutures are best.

The smallest suture size is number 0 and the largest suture size is number 10.

The sizes of sutures are from 0 to 10 with 0 being the smallest suture size and 10 being the largest suture size.

The suture size that is bigger is #10 sutures.

Sutures range in size from 0 to 10 with the #10 suture being the biggest suture size.

You should suture when you have cuts or wounds that are bleeding heavily or when the cut or wound is longer than 1/2 inch or the face of the cut is longer than 1/4 inch.

The types of sutures are polyester, Silk, Polypropylene and Nylon.

Polyester sutures are synthetic and braided.
Silk sutures are usually braided and made naturally.
Polypropylene sutures create a monofilament suture.
Nylon sutures create a type of natural monofilament suture.

Permanent sutures are also known as non absorbable stitches that are used for internal wounds as well as external wounds.

The permanent non absorbable sutures will stay together for 300 days or longer.

And then eventually the permanent sutures will need to be removed unless they are used internally.

The most common suture is polypropylene and polydioxanone sutures.

Polypropylene sutures are very common in cardiovascular surgeries.

A suture is made of nylon that creates a type of natural monofilament suture.

Sutures are also sometimes made of polypropylene which is a material that creates a monofilament suture.

Another material that some sutures are made of is polyester or silk.

Silk sutures are usually braided and made naturally and polyester sutures are synthetic and braided.

Surgical steel, silk, cotton, and linen are natural materials.

Synthetic nonabsorbable monofilament sutures are most commonly used in cutaneous procedures and include nylon, polypropylene, and polybutester.

A surgical suture, also known as a stitch or stitches, is a medical device used to hold body tissues together and approximate wound edges after an injury or surgery.

Application of sutures generally involves using a needle with an attached length of thread.

Although stitches and sutures are widely referred to as one and the same, in medical terms they are actually two different things.

Sutures are the threads or strands used to close a wound.

“Stitches” (stitching) refers to the actual process of closing the wound.

However, “suturing” is often used to mean stitching.

Wound suturing is a procedure performed to close the wound from an accident or surgical wound.

Purposes of wound suturing are to stop bleeding, reduce pain and infection, repair the cutaneous wound, minimize scarring, and maximize wound healing.

Most types of sutures should start to dissolve or fall out within a week or two, although it may be a few weeks before they disappear completely.

Some sutures may last for several months.

Ask your doctor about the type of stitches you have been given and how long they should take to dissolve.

Stitches and staples are used to keep wounds together during healing.

They need to be removed within 4-14 days.

The specific removal date depends on the location of the stitches or staples.

There is some variability by state as to whether a registered nurse can place stitches.

Generally, suturing a wound closed is considered to be a “minor surgical procedure.”

As such, it is not within the purview of most nurses.

But advanced practice nurses and emergency room RNs can sometimes place stitches.

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