Can a creditor take all the money in your bank account?

+1 vote
asked Jun 9, 2018 in Credit by Calotvee (320 points)
Can a creditor take all the money in your bank account?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2018 by Larry S (42,350 points)
A creditor cannot just take money from your bank account on their own so they won't be able to take all the money in your bank account for the debt owed just because you didn't pay them.

Creditor's will have to take you to court and sue you and win a case against you in court and then the judge will have to award the Creditor the right to remove funds from your paycheck or bank account but they will only be able to take the amount of money you owe them out of your bank account.

If the amount owed is what you have in your bank account then they can take all the money out to pay the debt off.

If the creditor has a judgement against you they can even take your car, house and any other assets.

Your wages can also be garnished to pay back the debt owed.

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