Can straight talk home internet be used anywhere?

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asked Jul 17, 2023 in Internet by ianc4809s (780 points)
Can straight talk home internet be used anywhere?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 29, 2023 by Divinelite (3,840 points)
Straight Talk home internet can be used anywhere there is a Verizon Tower.

Straight Talk is not the same as mobile internet and it may not work if you move the Straight Talk router or device to another location such as when traveling.

However as long as you have a Verizon Tower near you and you get Verizon service then the straight talk home internet device will work.

Although you could try moving the straight talk home internet device to another location when traveling or take it to another town etc and see if it still works.

I would assume that the straight talk home internet would still work even when it's away from your location since it uses Verizon towers.

However the straight talk home internet device may also be locked into your location that you input as your address or Zip code.

The Straight Talk Home Internet plan costs $45 per month.

The plan can only be used with the Straight Talk Home Internet Router, which has a one-time cost of $99.99.

The straight talk router picks up nearby signals from Verizon Wireless' network (5G or 4G/LTE) and converts the signal to Wi-Fi that you can use to connect your devices at home.

According to the website, Straight Talk Home Internet can deliver download speeds of 20-100 Mbps and upload speeds of 3-10 Mbps.

If you would like to activate via phone or need help, please call 1-877-430-2355 and follow the instructions.
commented Mar 28 by TobiasLeblanc (100 points)
edited Mar 29 by TobiasLeblanc
Straight Talk home internet provides a flexible option for internet connectivity, allowing you to access the internet from virtually anywhere as long as there is coverage in your area. This can be especially useful for those who require a reliable internet connection but don't want to be confined to a specific location or contract.
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