Do we eat fertilized or unfertilized chicken eggs?

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asked May 20, 2023 in Chickens by 200PMC (740 points)
Do we eat fertilized or unfertilized chicken eggs?

1 Answer

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answered May 20, 2023 by 2021sucked (36,200 points)
The eggs we eat are unfertilized and not fertilized as all eggs sold for human consumption are non fertilized eggs.

You can consume Fertilized eggs as fertilized eggs are safe to eat and are edible.

You can eat eggs if you have a rooster although it's important that you collect the eggs very regularly and often enough to prevent the broody hen from starting to incubate the eggs you want to eat.

However you can also still eat fertilized eggs but you need to eat them quick enough so that they don't turn into a baby chick.

Fertilized eggs and non fertilized eggs are nutritionally the same and both are good for you.

You can eat rooster meat as rooster meat is edible although rooster meat is not commonly found in the grocery store or marketplace.

Also the meat of a rooster is more challenging than regular chicken hens because it has not been bred to grow fast and heavy like fryer chickens or broiler hens.

You should cook the rooster meat low and slow for best results.

Also rooster meat tastes just like chicken.

However, most people find rooster meat to be far more intense than hen meat — akin to dark meat turkey.

This is because of the rooster's dense collection of muscle fibers.

A capon is a male chicken that is gelded, or castrated, at a young age, and then fed a rich diet of milk or porridge.

Larger than a chicken, a bit smaller than a turkey, but more flavorful than either, capons are full breasted with tender, juicy, flavorful meat that is well suited to roasting.

The best time to harvest roosters is when they are newly matured.

For most breeds, this happens around five months of age, depending on the species.

However, it's only six to eight weeks for the increasingly popular Jumbo Cornish X Rocks (also called cornish cross broiler).

Roosters have two bean-shaped testes located against their backbone in front of the kidneys.

Rooster testicles vary in size based on their age and time of year.

Roosters are exclusively male chickens, while hens are exclusively female chickens.

There are many differences between roosters vs hens.

The primary difference lies in the gender of these two birds, as roosters are exclusively male and hens are exclusively female chickens.

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