How often are you supposed to change your bed sheets?

+1 vote
asked May 27, 2018 in laundry/Cleaning by dotoalem (470 points)
How often are you supposed to change your bed sheets?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 27, 2018 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Too keep everything clean and sanitary I change my bed sheets twice per week but you can go as long as once per week without changing bed sheets.

However I've read online that some people go 2 weeks or even a whole month without changing their bed sheets and washing them but I think that's too long to wait but that's my opinion.

You really should wash and change your bed sheets a minimum of once per week since when you're sleeping you get bodily fluids such as sweat on your bed sheets and even mattress even though cannot really see it.

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