How do I get my neighbor to stop coming by my house everyday?

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asked Apr 21, 2023 in Polls/Surveys by Furrtree8 (1,440 points)
How do I get my neighbor to stop coming by my house everyday?

I have a neighbor that will always come by my house everyday and within minutes of me being outside or coming back home.

She's 36 years old and has a boyfriend but he's always in rehab as he's on drugs and is not changing and although he says he loves her I know it's not true.

She keeps coming to me about how he beats her and then says that she can't live without him.

This never stops and it's everyday that she comes by and brings up things about him and her life and I'm honestly sick of it.

How can I tell her nicely that I don't want her around everyday?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 21, 2023 by Sady762 (1,740 points)
If your neighbor is coming by everyday and you would prefer she not come by everyday or at random times then you need to have a frank discussion with her.

If you still like her but would rather not have her around at all times then sit down with her and tell her that you understand that she needs someone to talk too but you also need your alone time.

Give your phone number if you want too and have her call you and let you know when she can stop by.

If you would prefer to not give her your phone number then just say that you need some alone time and then you can schedule some time that you can visit together

Let her know that you need a break and to be by yourself to get things done and that you're busy.

If she still keeps coming around and you would really don't want her around then you may need to take out a restraining order to keep her away.

Either that or you move away yourself if possible.

I once had a neighbor that would also show up all the time and it got so bad that I just had to move.

She was a nice lady but it was getting to be too much for me and I was renting so I could easily move.

You don't have to move but sometimes that's what works.

Also you don't have to answer the door to her and just let her knock and go away.

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