Is prolonged diapering of kids actually easier than potty training?

+1 vote
asked Apr 8, 2023 in Toddler/Preschooler by waitforme (13,460 points)
Is prolonged diapering of kids actually easier than potty training?

Is it easier to keep your kids in diapers longer and change their diapers than potty train them?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2023 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Prolonged diapering of kids is actually easier than dealing with potty training especially if the toddler or kid is resisting potty training.

It's much easier to change a diaper than it is to change wet or poopy underwear and clothes and deal with cleaning up pee or poop off the floor.

It's also more convenient for parents to allow the kid to pee or poop in diapers and then change them later than to have to stop in restrooms when out and about every time the kid needs to pee or poop.

Some parents keep their kids in diapers longer to avoid having to deal with restroom breaks as toddlers and kids need to pee more often than adults as they have smaller bladders so you may have to run your toddler or child to the toilet every 20 minutes or so.

If the kid is wearing a diaper then they can just pee or poop in the diaper and then you can get your shopping done or finish your errands or allow the kid to play and then change them later instead of wasting time running the toddler or kid to the toilet.

Although after you get the toddler or child to use the toilet on their own and they can safely go to the restroom in public by themselves then it becomes easier to have the kid potty trained and out of diapers.

Toddlers resist potty training because they are not ready to potty train.

In all the toddlers short life they have been using diapers to pee and poop in and the potty is something really new to them.

Toddlers hate change and using the potty is a big change for them and it takes time for the toddler to grasp the idea of using the potty.

Some toddlers are just very comfortable in their diapers and hate using the toilet or hate the feel of underwear.

Toddlers can potty train themselves.

In reality toddlers don't need potty training and when you potty train a toddler before age 2 it's actually the parents that are trained to take the toddler to the potty.

If you wait long enough such as until age 3 the toddler will be more ready to potty train and then go to the toilet on their own within a few days or so.

If your toddler can sit on the potty but not go then it's likely the toddler is not ready.

Some toddlers will enjoy sitting on the potty but not want to go or be able to go.

Sitting on the potty doe snot mean the child or toddlers is ready to potty train but it's a good sign and good start.

Eventually the toddler will learn to use the toilet but keep having them sit on the potty without a diaper and encourage them to go.

Ensure the toddler has enough liquids so they can pee.

You should not force your toddler to sit on the potty if they don't want too.

If your toddler does not want to sit on the potty and does not have to go pee or poop then they should not be forced to sit on the toilet or potty.

If you have to force your toddler to sit on the potty then they are not ready.

Keep them in diapers and then continue taking them to the potty and try to get them to use it but don't force it.

Eventually the toddler will get used to the toilet and want to try it when they are ready.

Using Pull Ups does not really hinder the potty training process.

However Pull Ups or training pants feel like a diaper when wet so they make it a bit harder for the toddler or child to feel wet and decide to use the toilet instead.

Some parents prefer to use regular underwear or cloth training pants when potty training so that the child feels wet and has an incentive to use the toilet instead.

It is okay for a 3 year old to not be potty trained and still wear diapers.

While some kids potty train and stop wearing diapers around age 2 years old it's not uncommon for 3 year olds to not be potty trained.

Some kids don't get potty trained until 3 and 1/2 years old and some don't potty train until closer to 4 or even on their 4th birthday.

Between the ages of 12 months to 18 months of age the child has very little bladder control and it's not until around age 2 years to 3 years of age until the child can obtain some bladder and bowel control.

If you potty train at 18 months the child still has not gotten enough bladder control so it's best to wait until at least age 3 before before beginning potty training.

Signs of readiness for potty training include.

Keeping Diaper Dry longer than 3 hours or having fewer wet diapers per day.

Child holds his or her pee in and then pees at once.

Child hates wearing diapers or asks for a diaper change.

Pulling at a wet or dirty diaper.
Hiding to pee or poop.
Showing Interest in others' use of the potty, or copying their behavior.
Having a dry diaper for a longer-than-usual time.

You're changing fewer wet diapers.

Your child's bowel movements are predictable.
He broadcasts bodily functions.
He or She despises dirty diapers.
He's able to perform simple undressing.
He understands bathroom lingo.

It is very normal for a 3 year old to not be potty trained.

While some kids are potty trained before their 3rd birthday it's perfectly normal and fine for a 3 year old and even a 4 year old to wear diapers and not be potty trained.

Some kids will potty train around 3 years and 6 months of age and some not until age 4 and in some rare cases a child may not potty train until age 5 or close to age 5.

Most kids potty train and stop wearing diapers between the ages of 18 months to 2 years old.

However every kid is different and it's normal for even a 3 year old and 4 year old to not be potty trained.

Eventually a kid will potty train even if you don't try to potty train them yourself.

The oldest age for potty training is 5 years old.

I have a 5 year old son who is not fully potty trained but I'm sure he will be potty trained soon.

He wears diapers full time because he does not always get to the toilet so I keep my 5 year old in diapers full time until he goes to the toilet every time.

If he does not get potty trained by age 6 then I'm gonna force the issue but for now I'm letting him decide.

Most kids are potty trained before age 4 years old and some kids potty train as early as age 18 months to 2 years old.

Don't rush the kid to grow up and enjoy their diaper years because eventually they will be grown up and you'll wish you could change their diaper again.

So that is why I'm in no rush to potty train my 5 year old

He goes through 3 diapers per day and 5 packs of the Gentle Steps Size 7 diapers per month is more than enough for him and I spend $25.00 per month to diaper him and it's worth it.

He seems to enjoy his diapers and that's okay too.

The age at when most babies stop wearing diapers is between the ages of 18 months to 3 years old.

However some babies and toddlers may wear diapers still until they are 4 years old.

The age at which babies or toddlers potty train varies from child to child and there's no right age for a child to potty train.

You can try potty training your child by age 18 months but if they won't potty train then just keep them in diapers and try again when they are 2 years old or 3 years old.

Some children are not ready to potty train and stop wearing diapers until 3 years old and even 4 years old.

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