more boys or girls who wet the bed frequently?

+2 votes
asked Nov 4, 2022 in Parenting by Ynt (440 points)

1 Answer

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answered Jan 18, 2023 by BeckyBee (17,930 points)
While both girls and boys wet the bed, it's more common for boys to wet the bed than girls.

Boys are twice as likely to wet the bed as girls are and bed wetting happens more frequently in kids with developmental delays and emotional and also behavioral difficulties.

Sometimes the link between the bladder and the brain isn't fully developed yet, and more boys than girls tend to be bedwetters because girls mature faster.

But by age 15, 99 percent of kids outgrow bed wetting.

Common causes of children and adults having bedwetting include: small bladder size. urinary tract infection (UTI) stress, fear, or insecurity.

Nocturnal enuresis is also called “bed-wetting,” because it happens during the night while a child is sleeping.

Bed-wetting is fairly common; about 5 million to 7 million children wet the bed.

It may happen more often in boys than in girls.

It can be many months, even years, before children stay dry overnight.

Most children, but not all, stop bedwetting between the ages of 5 and 6 years old.

Bedwetting is more common in deep sleepers.

Until the child outgrows bed wetting they should wear a pull up or diaper to help keep them and the bed dry.

Diapers don't make the child wet the bed but instead helps the child and you can keep it a secret between you as the parent and the child.

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