Can you get pink eye from a fart on your face?

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asked Apr 11, 2018 in Diseases Conditions by Hexxium (280 points)
Can you get pink eye from a fart on your face?

If someone were to fart on your face can you get pink eye from someone farting on your face?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 11, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
When I was a kid I was told that you could get Pink eye from someone farting in your face and I used to believe it.

But now that I'm an adult I found out that getting pink eye from someone farting in your face or farting on your pillow is just an urban myth that has no truth at all to it.

Pink eye is caused by a bacterial infection which usually spreads through hand to eye contact. If you touch someone else and then touch your eye then your eye could infected with pink eye.

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