What happens if a black widow bites you?

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asked Jul 20, 2022 in Other- Health by Affilmarc (900 points)
What happens if a black widow bites you?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 25, 2022 by Rowtell (4,140 points)
If a black widow spider bites you you'll most often feel severe pain, burning, swelling, and redness at the site and you may even see two fang marks.

The venom from a black widow spider is poisonous.

Symptoms of a reaction to the venom start about 30 minutes after the bite.

Symptoms are usually mild and stop within a few days, but severe symptoms that last several days are possible.

If you get bit by a black widow you need to seek medical attention.

A black widow spider is worse than a brown recluse spider because black widow spiders have a more lethal bite since it not only effects tissue but the neurological system, which can lead to death.

The brown recluse spider is also very dangerous though as well.

The brown recluse spider is one of the most dangerous spiders in the United States.

Its venom destroys the walls of blood vessels near the site of the bite, sometimes causing a large skin ulcer.

The biggest spider in the world is the goliath bird-eater spider.

The Goliath birdeater belongs to the tarantula family Theraphosidae.

Found in northern South America, it is the largest spider in the world by mass – 175 g – and body length – up to 13 cm – but it is second to the giant huntsman spider by leg span.

The worlds most deadliest spider is the wandering spider.

Wandering spiders are a family of spiders that includes the Brazilian wandering spiders.

These spiders have a distinctive longitudinal groove on the top-rear of their oval carapace similar to those of the Amaurobiidae.

They are highly defensive and venomous nocturnal hunters.

The wandering spiders bite, which delivers neurotoxic venom, can be deadly to humans, especially children, although antivenom makes death unlikely.

Because they are aggressive and have a venomous bite, it is advised not to keep this species as a pet.

This species of spider is not like Tarantulas.

Although they do have venom, they are harmless to humans.

The Wandering Spider is the world's deadliest spider.

The Wandering Spider is a large brown spider that is similar to the North American Wolf Spider but the Wandering Spider is bigger and has a more toxic venom than the American Wolf Spider.

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