Here's another mind blowing question

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asked Jun 19, 2022 in Parenting by paratom (9,050 points)
Do a lot of foster parents uses diapers as a punishment on kids and if so, for how long?
commented Oct 20, 2022 by mellissapickron (100 points)
It's an abuse of foster kids! I think the authorities who allowed such foster parents to adopt a kid should take a responsible approach to monitoring the kids' stay in such families. Perhaps the authorities can introduce mandatory kids' conversations with psychologists to find out about family problems or their absence. I'm not an adopted child, but my girlfriend was in four different families with foster parents. And three of these couples left her in dirty diapers, locked closets with panties, and bathrooms. And it was only in the fourth family that she felt like a truly beloved daughter. There were kids her age there, and they called her little sister. Her adoptive parents found her in a wonderful foster agency.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 19, 2022 by Kaptainkanda (11,520 points)
I know that some foster parents use diapers as punishments on kids.

I was one of the foster kids myself who wet the bed and as a punishment I was put into diapers for it.

I was made to wear those thick plastic backed Pampers diapers when I was 6 years old.

I was in temporary foster care because I was taken away from my parents at age 5 for some unknown reason.

I still can't figure out why as my parents were actually very loving to me and never harmed me and we had good living conditions.

Anyway I was put into foster care for a few years but my parents were allowed to see me although no home visits with them.

They had to come to see me and I was always glad they came to see me.

However at foster care I was made to wear diapers all the time and was made to use the diapers.

The bathroom at our foster home was always locked and us kids were not allowed in the bathroom without the foster parent being in their.

The foster parents were actually the abusive ones and they made me and other kids sit in wet diapers and poopy diapers for hours.

I was so glad when I got back to my parents.

I had accidents after that and I still wore diapers for at least a year until I was around 8 years old due to having lost bladder control as a result of being forced to use the diapers.

Some foster parents are very loving although some foster parents can be worse than the kids actual parents.
commented Jun 20, 2022 by paratom (9,050 points)
I'm glad you share your story with me. Was u able to get out of diapers? At least you was able to be with your parents after it was said and done my friend

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