If it was confirmed that the government was tracking you on social media would you still use it?

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asked Jan 6, 2017 in Internet by Answerpail Staff (570 points)

How much privacy do you expect to have in your social media accounts?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 6, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)

Heck no! Tracking our activity infringes on our right to privacy in a "free" country. W cannot have freedom of speech or expression if our government is playing "big brother" with the content we post on social media. 

Personally speaking, anyone who agrees to use social media with knowledge of the government tracking your activity is a complete idiot. 

That isn't freedom that is an allowance. A limitation set by people who do not have the best interest in us.. 

P.S: (I say this under the pretext that users would not post incriminating material. 

If such does happen it should be reported. Do not let the government fool you into thinking that tracking what you say and do is a good thing).

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