Can ADHD cause daytime wetting?

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asked May 2 in Incontinence by Trolaibat (1,890 points)
Can ADHD cause daytime wetting?

1 Answer

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answered May 2 by Chawcolate (4,690 points)
ADHD can cause daytime wetting and it's normal for a child with ADHD to have wetting accidents and daytime wetting.

If your child with ADHD is constantly having wetting accidents then they may need to wear some pull ups or diapers to contain the wetting.

However if it's an occasional daytime wetting accident then they may not need a pull up or diaper.

ADHD kids do pee their paints even after being potty trained.

It's also possible that the ADHD kid is harder to potty train and may take longer to potty train or be harder to potty train than some kids without ADHD.

Some kids with ADHD may not be out of daytime diapers until around 5 to 8 years old or longer.

A child or a person who has ADHD may have trouble paying attention and also have trouble with controlling their impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.

ADHD can't be cured, but ADHD can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve as the child or person with ADHD ages.

ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood.

It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty at school or work.

Symptoms of ADHD include limited attention and hyperactivity.

Treatments for ADHD include medication and talk therapy.

Symptoms of inattentive ADHD and ADHD include

Lack of attention to detail.
Trouble staying focused.
Frequent spaciness.
Difficulty following instructions.
Easily distracted.
Often misplacing possessions.
Difficulty sustaining mental effort.

ADHD is similar to autism but ADHD is not a form of autism.

While autism and ADHD are both neurological conditions, they're not the same thing.

There are, however, many overlapping symptoms between ADHD and autism and it's not uncommon for people to have a dual diagnosis.

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