How much lorazepam should I take for catatonia?

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asked Apr 8 in Mental Health by Sarveshkumar (2,240 points)
How much lorazepam should I take for catatonia?

1 Answer

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answered May 9 by 2021sucked (36,200 points)
The amount of Lorazepam you should take for catatonia is 1 to 2 mg every 4 hours to 12 hours and the dose should be adjusted to relieve catatonia without causing sedation.

With the proper dose of Lorazepam, the response from Lorazepam is seen within 3 days to 7 days although in some cases a response with Lorazepam may be slow and gradual.

The usual dosage of Lorazepam daily is 2 mg to 6 mg daily and is given in divided doses with the largest dose of Lorazepam being taken before bedtime.

The daily dosage of Lorazepam can vary from 1 mg to 10 mg.

A natural substitute for Lorazepam is Lavender which is a natural herb that has been proven to be effective as a natural remedy for treating anxiety.

Lavender oil was shown in studies to be just as effective as Lorazepam.

Other natural substiutes for Lorazepam are lemom balm, Chamomile, Valerian, Passion flower and Kava.

The closest thing to Lorazepam is Hydroxyzine and Buspirone and promethazine.

Promethazine is better than Lorazepam as promethazine has anti-emetic, anti-histamine and vagolytic properties that lorazepam does not have.

Medications that should not be taken with promethazine DM are opioids, BZDs, MAOIs and Anticholinergic medications.

There is no antidote for promethazine other than treatment and monitoring.

Promethazine does make some people feel weird when taking it.

Promethazine does make some people feel loopy and cause some people to feel disoriented and confused and it can cause you to not think clearly or focus.

You can drive after taking promethazine once you know how you react to the medication.

For some people the promethazine may make them drowsy so they should not drive after taking promethazine.

The amount of promethazine you can take to sleep is 20 mg to 50 mg at night.

The rating of promethazine is 7.2 out of 10 out of a total of 374 reviews.

64 percent of people report a great experience from taking promethazine and 21 percent of people reported negative experiences.

The amount of promethazine you can take a day is between 6.25 to 12.5 mg three times a day; or 25 mg at bedtime as needed.

Promethazine is not the same as hydroxyzine as hydroxyzine is used to relieve anxiety and promethazine is used for motion sickness.

However promethazine can also treat anxiety but hydroxyzine is mainly used for anxiety.

Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) is an antihistamine that's used to treat anxiety and itchiness.

Adults and kids can both take it.

As with other antihistamines, hydroxyzine can cause drowsiness.

This may be helpful for people struggling with insomnia, but it may interfere with various activities, such as driving.

Promethazine is not the same as Zofran as promethazine is a phenothiazine and Zofran which is also known as ondansetron is an anti nausea medication.

Taking promethazine can make you feel weird and cause you to become less alert, drowsy, lightheaded and even dizzy.

If you experience any weird feelings when taking promethazine you should tell your doctor.

Promethazine does make you calm and can help with anxiety and restlessness.

Promethazine is good for anxiety and sleep as doctors will sometimes use promethazine in hospitals for treating anxiety and sleep and will also prescribe it for anxiety and sleep.

Promethazine does stop panic attacks as doctors will sometimes prescribe it off label to treat panic attacks and anxiety.

Promethazine can make you gain weight and also cause impotence, priapism and the inability to ejaculate.

Promethazine does have codeine in it.

When taking promethazine you should avoid alcohol, benzodiazepines and opioids.

Promethazine also interacts with anticholinergic medications and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

People who shouldn't take promethazine are babies and children who are younger than 2 years old and people who have breathing problems as promethazine can cause breathing to stop and slow and can cause death in children and people with breathing problems.

Promethazine is not a narcotic although it is a controlled substance.

The mental side effects of promethazine are confusion, sedation and disorientation that can impair physical and mental abilities.

Promethazine may also cause rare seizures, restlessness and excitability.

Promethazine is used for treating allergies.

The medication promethazine is an antihistamine medicine that helps to relieve the symptoms of allergies.

And promethazine is also known as a drowsy (sedating) antihistamine, so promethazine is more likely to make you feel sleepy than other antihistamines.

Promethazine is also used to prevent and help control other conditions such as motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

In addition, promethazine can also be used to help people go to sleep and control their pain or anxiety before or after surgery or other procedures.

Promethazine may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Brand names for ondansetron include Zofran, Zofran ODT, and Zuplenz.

Brand names for promethazine include Phenergan, Phenadoz, and Promethegan.

Ondansetron and promethazine belong to different drug classes.

Ondansetron is an anti-nausea medication and promethazine is a phenothiazine.

Promethazine is not a narcotic, but it is a controlled substance.

As a result, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration identifies it as having a higher-than-normal risk of abuse.

Promethazine is only available in the U.S. as a prescription.

It is manufactured into tablets, capsules and liquid medication.

Common side effects of promethazine include drowsiness, headaches, nightmares and feeling dizzy, restless or confused.

When promethazine is mixed with other medicines, it's also known by the brand names Fedril and Night Nurse.

Cold or allergy medicine, sedatives, narcotic pain medicine, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, and medicine for seizures, depression or anxiety can interact with promethazine and cause medical problems or increase side effects.

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