How do I make my dog stop smelling?

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asked Mar 19 in Dogs by Schoobamaroove (680 points)
How do I make my dog stop smelling?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 19 by Christeenlia (30,340 points)
You can make your dog stop smelling by bathing them regularly and by washing them with some baking soda.

You can also spray some diluted vinegar on your dog to help them stop smelling and then wash them off after 10 minutes or so.

Feeding your dog high quality food and patting your dog's fur coat with corn starch or baking soda often can also help to make your dog stop smelling.

Also brush your dog's fur coat often to prevent any unpleasant odors and to manage any shedding.

And gently rinse off your dog's fur coat and feet after they become dirty from being outside.

Vinegar can be used to neutralize a wet dog smell in your home, on upholstery, bedding, carpet etc.

You can mix some white vinegar in a spray bottle with some water such as half water and half vinegar.

Then shake the solution up and spray the vinegar and water solution on carpet, bedding, upholstery or anywhere else you want to get the wet dog smell to go away from.

You can also spray your dog with the white vinegar and water mixture which can help the dog smell better as well.

Bathing the dog and then fully drying them off and using dog shampoo or even some vinegar and baking soda in a bath for the dog can help get the dog smelling clean.

You can also buy some wet dog neutralizer odor removal solution as well but vinegar works wonders as a natural and safe pet odor and other odor eliminator.

Another option is to wash bedding in some baking soda and vinegar as well.

Baking soda can also be sprinkled on the carpet, couches, beds etc where the wet dog has been to get rid of the smell.

Baking soda neutralizes smells on upholstery, from carpet and couches to the back seat of your car.

Sprinkle it liberally (like, really liberally) all over the offending area, and let it sit overnight.

Then just vacuum it up in the morning!

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