Are Terrible Twos a real thing?

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asked Jan 15, 2022 in Toddler/Preschooler by DJfergusonia (1,490 points)
Are Terrible Twos a real thing?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 23, 2022 by Christeen (70,120 points)
Terrible Twos are indeed a real thing.

At 2 years old your child will begin throwing more temperature tantrums and become defiant and upset more often and want to test you.

It's a very normal thing and the terrible twos don't go on all day or forever.

Although tantrums can occur even before 2 years of age and after 2 years of age.

The tantrums do occur a lot during the child's 2nd year of life.

Terrible Twos and tantrums are a normal developmental phase that is experienced by young children that's often marked by tantrums, defiant behavior, and lots of frustration.

While tantrums can certainly still happen after your child turns 3, they often become less frequent by then.

Getting frustrated when their wishes aren't fully understood.

A common cause of those terrible twos temper tantrums is when a toddler gets frustrated that his caregiver can't read his mind.

For example, he may ask for water, only to break down in tears because you gave it to him in a red cup instead of a blue one.

Some ways to get through the terrible twos are.

Respect the nap. Try to plan outings or errands around nap time, when your child is less likely to feel irritable.
Stick to a schedule with meals.
Talk through triggers ahead of time.
Don't cave in.
Cure boredom.
Be consistent and calm.
Redirect when necessary.

The terrible twos generally begin anywhere from 18 to 30 months of age, and, despite what the name implies, can last well into the third year of life.

While tantrums can certainly still happen after your child turns 3, they often become less frequent by then.

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