What is the most trusted service to develop a delivery app?

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asked Jan 13, 2022 in Internet by inessa8 (5,840 points)
What is the most trusted service to develop a delivery app?
commented Sep 20, 2022 by Sophie (100 points)
In my opinion, developing your own app to earn money is very cool, so I would also like to find a site that will help me with this.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 15, 2024 by gatepeeper (14,000 points)
The most trusted services to develop a delivery app are JetRuby, Triare, App Tunix, and IMG Global Infotech; all recognized for their experience in creating robust and user-friendly delivery apps with a strong focus on client engagement and quality development.

JetRuby is the leading company in food ordering mobile app development.

They have transformed hundreds of global business ideas into successful projects and are ready to help you too.

Conduct a market research.
Choose the business model.
Choose a software development partner.
Decide on the app features.
Choose the tech stack.
Design and development.
Testing the app.
Launch and marketing.

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