Why are employability skills important in the workplace?

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asked Aug 29, 2020 in Employment & Careers by RoseannDillon (14,360 points)

1 Answer

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answered Aug 29, 2020 by IsiahHenderson (24,130 points)

Employability skills are a set of achievements of a person that mentions their skills, attributes, interests, and knowledge that is relatable to any occupation. It explains the assets that an individual has to offer to an organization while also benefitting the individual in their career. Employability is not limited to securing a position is a related company but also to become successful and a valuable asset for the team. An individual's employability gives an idea of the competitive qualifications, achievements, education, and experience of the person. Hence, it is important for every candidate to work on their employability before pursuing their dream jobs. Check out here to know more about career development.

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