My son is refusing to go to school?

+1 vote
asked Aug 12, 2017 in Grade Schooler by lukeie (160 points)
My 7 year old was going to school fine last year when he was in Kindergarten. Now he's 7 and will be entering 1st grade this year in a few days.

He said he doesn't want to go to school this year and isn't going?

How can I get my son to go to school without a fight when he's refusing before schools even started?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 13, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Refusing to go to school is very common and he's not the only kid that is refusing to go to school.

Most parents will recommend calling the cops to get him to go to school. But please don't do that. You could potentially lose your kid by calling the cops.

When cops get involved things get worse.

Instead of fighting with your kid on going to school. Sit down with him and calmly ask him why he doesn't want to go to school?

Was he bullied last year?

Does he have social anxiety? Is he shy around others.

Find out what is going on that is making your kid refuse school. There's always a problem that he may not be wanting to tell you about.

Maybe you can try homeschooling your kid if he still doesn't want to go to school. Homeschooling your kid is pretty easy and is very simple to get him out of public school.
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2017 by Umesh (170 points)
I haven't had that experience with my kids. I guess I got lucky as all my kids love school and are ready to go back tomorrow.

But I used to fear school when I was a kid and do everything I could to get out of going to school.

My mom said that if I was too sick to go to school that I had to stay in my room and had to stay in bed and she made sure of that.

I finally got tired of staying in my bed and offered to go to school.

Make it so that your kid will not be having any fun when they stay home from school and they might decide to go to school on their own.

There's no guarantee that your kid will decide to go to school.

And yes please don't get the cops involved as if you do then they will most likely remove your kid from your home and put them into a a foster care program and it will be near impossible for you to get him back home to you.

A friend called the cops on her kid for not going to school and now he's in foster care and has been adopted off and she can only see him once in awhile.

Luckily though the foster parents are good people and do let her spend time with him even though she isn't supposed too.

But some foster parents won't let you see your kid.

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