Do you wash meat before marinating?

+1 vote
asked Aug 17, 2018 in Cooking by Chucky290 (220 points)
Do you wash meat before marinating?

Before marinating meat are you supposed to wash the meat before doing the marinating?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 18, 2018 by isufabuc (420 points)
Meat doesn't need to be washed before marinating or even cooking it.

In fact it's recommended that you don't wash any meat before marinating or cooking the meat as the bacteria and even the blood and other juices from the raw meat could spread to other things such as utensils, other foods and even surfaces.

Washing the meat won't make the food taste any better or do anything good for it.

Although for vac packed meat that is wet aged you may need to wash that meat before cooking or marinating it to remove the salt from it.

Other than that meat doesn't need to be washed prior to cooking or marinating it.

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