How long does it take for a train traveling at 55 miles per hour to stop?

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asked Jun 14, 2018 in Home Schooling by Hustle DF (380 points)
How long does it take for a train traveling at 55 miles per hour to stop?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 14, 2018 by Gracy (132,100 points)
A freight train needs at minimum one mile to be able to fully and safely stop after traveling 55 miles per hour.

That is for a freight train that has 90 to 120 rail cars attached and the more rail cars the train has attached the longer it can take for it to stop.

Sometimes it can take more than a mile for the freight train to come to a safe and complete stop.
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2021 by Reeallcat (780 points)
edited Dec 2, 2021 by Reeallcat

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